Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Deputation 2006

May 2006

Jess, Jessica & Rachel

Serbia & Croatia teams w/ Brandon & Linda

May 21, 2006
UPC Celebrates Deputation Sunday!

Jessica West (Croatia 2006), Jessica Lazdins (Bosnia 2004), Nada and Samuil Petrovski (from EUS ministry in Belgrade, Serbia), me (Croatia 2005), Rachel Lewis (Croatia 2006), Rachel's mom

The Belgrade Team

Brendan, Erin, Samuil, Nada

Family brunch

Belgrade team 2006: Erin Shields, Nada and Samuil Petrovski, Annika Lider, RJ Spees, Drew Wolverton

The Belgrade team and their poster

The Croatia Team

Rachel Lewis and Jessica West

Jessica and Rachel with the Croatian flag

The Croatia team and their poster

It has been my honor to help the Croatia Deputation team get ready to go for this summer. We have had some awesome team times, and are loving language lessons with Zorica!